Contractor Membership

Contractor Membership Application

Statewide Representation

United Contractors provides professional services and representation for 500+ union contractors. We are consistently recommended by your industry peers as their go-to industry partner for first-class service and support.

  • Labor Negotiations & HR Solutions
  • Political Advocacy
  • Regulatory Oversight
  • Safety Services
  • Education & Training
  • Competitive Tools for Your Business with United Contractors Products & Resources
  • Business Relationship Opportunities

UCON members enjoy unparalleled service and an unrivaled dedication to their needs.

Submit an application below.

Applications are subject to UCON Board of Directors review.

Please enter a full URL including the leading http:// or https://
Initiation Fee $100
Class I (Start-Up Company – 1 st year of business only) $1,060
Class II (Annual Volume up to $1,000,000) $2,390
Class III (Annual Volume of $1 Million to $5 Million) $2,910
Class IV (Annual Volume of $5 Million to $15 Million) $3,840
Class V (Annual Volume of $15 Million to $25 Million) $4,450
Class VI (Annual Volume of $25 Million to $50 Million) $5,270
Class VII (Annual Volume of $50 Million to $100 Million) $7,910
Class VIII (Annual Volume of $100 Million or More) $9,170
Safety Contact
HR Contact
Payroll Contact
Union Representation

Note: To be a UCON member, your company must be signatory to one or more California Unions. By selecting a listed Union you are agreeing to provide UCON with your Power of Attorney for that Union and pay the corresponding Contract Administration Fund contribution. Contract Administration Fund contributions are paid per man hour at the rate referenced in each collective bargaining agreement. This will enable UCON to represent your company with each union.

Please select one or more of the following Unions below:

Sign above