
Political Advocacy

Elevating the Industry

Over the last decade, UCON has helped secure more than $90B in public works infrastructure in California.

Member Service:

UCON’s Political Advocacy and Government Relations team improves, expands, and protects union contractors’ interests, influencing public policy, political and regulatory advocacy. Together, we do the hard work for members - building coalitions, marshaling political support, driving local and state ballot measures, ensuring regulatory fairness, fostering agency relations, and assisting with complex compliance requirements.

UCON is the most powerful voice for CA union contractors, elevating our members and the greater industry through our advocacy work. We offer:

Direct Member Support With:

  • Local and State Ballot Sponsorship and Support 
  • Grassroots Advocacy to unify and amplify the collective voice of union contractors
  • PAC Fundraising and Candidate Support
  • Lobbying & Legislative Advocacy 
  • Long Term advocacy for local, state & federal infrastructure investment 
  • Coalition Building & Industry Representation 
  • Political Networking Events and Policy Forums 
  • Industry Public Relations
  • and more

 Direct Contractor Support With:

  • CSLB Licensing SBE, WOB, & DBE Questions & Compliance 
  • Government Agency requirements, problem-solving, advocacy, and assistance  
  • CARB Regulatory requirements & advocacy
  • Cal/OSHA and Safety Compliance 
  • Crisis Management & Public Relations
  • Legislative & Policy Navigation and assistance 
  • State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Advocacy and
  • SWPPP Issues
  • Local and State Agency Input and Advocacy
  • and more